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After installation

"Table "aliases" does not exist."

You forgot to apply migration files from %openvk%/install/sqls.

Page infinitely reloads

Set "security" -> "secret" on %chandler%/chandler.yml.

Empty page with Tracy bar

Check openvk.yml -> "credentials" -> "eventDB" and set correct dbname, user and password. Also, you can set enable to "false", but notifications will be unavailable.

Nette says that table does not exist, but it's not so

Try to clean up Nette cache on %chandler%/tmp/cache/database

How to enable gifts?

Go to openvk.yml -> "preferences" -> set "commerce" to "true". You can add gifts in the admin panel later.

How to give support rights to user?

Go to /admin/chandler/groups -> create new group "Support"

Then go to edit page, "Group Permissions", set "Model" to "openvk\Web\Models\Entities\TicketReply", "Permission" -> "write"

Then go to "Group Members" -> set UID from needed user (you can get it from "/admin/users") -> "Add"