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OpenVK API description

OpenVK API is based on VKontakte's API for compatibility. If you want to improve the API, then read this page.

To call the function, you need to go to {YOUR DOMAIN}/method/ URL, and then, the function name, for example: {YOUR DOMAIN}/method/Account.getProfileInfo. The server will return JSON data. You can use GET or POST to send the Data.

🔰 above the function name means it requires authorization.


To get token, you should call the "token" page:

{YOUR DOMAIN}/token?username={YOUR USERNAME}&password={YOUR PASSWORD}&grant_type=password

You'll get a response like this:

    "access_token": "THERE IS A TOKEN. A LONG TOKEN ACTUALLY",
    "expires_in": 0,
    "user_id": 1

If you need to call the function that requires a token, just put the access_token into your GET or POST request.

If you have two-factor authorization turned on, add a code field to your POST request and fill it with, you guessed it, authorization code.


getProfileInfo 🔰

Returns the info about account.

        "first_name": "Vladimir",
        "id": 1,
        "last_name": "Barinov",
        "home_town": "Moscow",
        "status": "Status example",
        "bdate": "1.1.1970",
        "bdate_visibility": 0,
        "phone": "+420 ** *** 228",
        "relation": 2,
        "sex": 2

Some fields are faked for VK API Compatibility

getInfo 🔰

This is a dummy function

    "response": {
        "2fa_required": 0,
        "country": "CZ",
        "eu_user": false,
        "https_required": 1,
        "intro": 0,
        "community_comments": false,
        "is_live_streaming_enabled": false,
        "is_new_live_streaming_enabled": false,
        "lang": 1,
        "no_wall_replies": 0,
        "own_posts_default": 0

setOnline 🔰

Set the online status to current. Always returns 1.

setOffline 🔰

Dummy function, always returns 1.


Dummy function, always returns 9355263.

getCounters 🔰

Returns the counters of Unread Messages, Notifications and Friends Requests.


getById 🔰

Fields: audios, hash, need_user

Returns audios objects from its ids (like X_Y). With need_user = 1 returns audio's owner.

hash allows to get decryption keys


Fields: audio_id

Is this a Lagtrain?

getRecommendations 🔰


getPopular 🔰

Fields: genre_id, genre_str, offset, count, hash

Returns popular audios by its genre (genre_id, genre_str)

getFeed 🔰

Fields: genre_id, genre_str, offset, count, hash

Same as getPopular.

Fields: q, auto_complete, lyrics, performer_only, sort, search_own, offset, count, hash

Global search for audios. lyrics — on 1 returns audios only with lyrics performer_only — on 1 searches by performer sort — on 0 — sort by creation time, on 1 — by length, on 2 — by listens

getCount 🔰

Fields: owner_id, uploaded_only

Returns collection size of user or club. On uploaded_only = 1 returns count of uploaded audios by user.

get 🔰

Fields: owner_id, album_id, audio_ids, need_user, offset, count, uploaded_only, need_seed, shuffle_seed, shuffle, hash

Returns audios. With owner_id returns user's or group's collection.

With owner_id and uploaded_only returns uploaded by user audios

With album_id returns audios from playlist.

With audio_ids returns audios by ids.

With need_user in audios objects returns "user".

With shuffle = 1 enables shuffling. On need_seed = 1 you can set your seed in shuffle_seed

getLyrics 🔰

Fields: lyrics_id

Returns audios lyrics.

beacon 🔰

Fields: aid, gid

Broadcasts audio to status. If gid is set, broadcasts audio to group (not visible in the interface)

setBroadcast 🔰

Fields: audio, target_ids

Sets audio broadcast to groups.

getBroadcastList 🔰

Fields: filter, active, hash

Returns friends/groups that currently broadcasting music.

On filter = all returns friends and groups. On filter = friends returns only friends. При filter = groups returns only groups.

edit 🔰

Fields: owner_id, audio_id, artist, title, text, genre_id, genre_str, no_search

Edit the song. artist — song's author title — song's title text — song's lyrics genre_id — genre_id genre_str — genre name no_search — is audio can found via search?

add 🔰

Fields: audio_id, owner_id, group_id, album_id

Add audio (audio_id, owner_id) to users or club (group_id) collection

delete 🔰

Fields: audio_id, owner_id, group_id

Delete audio from user's collection (or club's).

restore 🔰

Fields: audio_id, owner_id, group_id, hash

Same as audio.add, but also returns audio object.

getAlbums 🔰

Fields: owner_id, offset, count, drop_private

Returns playlists from user's collection. On drop_private skips private playlists

searchAlbums 🔰

Fields: query, offset, limit, drop_private

Global search by albums. On drop_private skips private albums.

addAlbum 🔰

Fields: title, description, group_id

Creates new playlist and adds to your collection.

On group_id creates playlist in group.

editAlbum 🔰

Fields: album_id, title, description

Edits playlist's title and descriptions.

deleteAlbum 🔰

Fields: album_id

Completely deletes the playlist.

moveToAlbum 🔰

Fields: album_id, audio_ids

Adds audios to playlist.

copyToAlbum 🔰

Fields: album_id, audio_ids

Same as audio.moveToAlbum.

removeFromAlbum 🔰

Fields: album_id, audio_ids

Deletes audios from album.

bookmarkAlbum 🔰

Fields: id

Adds album to your collection. Returns 1 on success.

unbookmarkAlbum 🔰

Fields: id

Deletes album from your collection. Returns 1 on success.


addTopic 🔰

Fields: groupd_id, title, text, from_group, attachments

Creates the topic in the group.

closeTopic 🔰

Fields: groupd_id, topic_id

Closes topic in the group.

createComment 🔰

Fields: groupd_id, topic_id, message, from_group, attachments

Creates comment in the topic.

deleteComment 🔰

Fields: comment_id, group_id, topic_id

Deletes comment from the topic.

deleteTopic 🔰

Fields: group_id, topic_id

Deletes group's topic.

editTopic 🔰

Fields: group_id, topic_id, title

Edit topic's title

fixTopic 🔰

Fields: group_id, topic_id

Pins the topic. IDK why it was named "fix topic" xd

getComments 🔰

Fields: group_id, topic_id, need_likes, offset, count, extended, sort (asc or desc)

Returns array with topic's comments. If you want to return likes info, set need_likes to 1.

getTopics 🔰

Fields: group_id, topic_ids, order, offset, count, extended, preview, preview_length

Returns topics of the group.

openTopic 🔰

Fields: group_id, topic_id

Opens closed topic.

restoreComment 🔰

Fields: group_id, topic_id, comment_id


unfixTopic 🔰

Fields: group_id, topic_id

Unpins the topic.



Fields: user_id, fields, offset, count

Returns the user's friend ID list with count.

getRequests 🔰

Fields: fields, offset, count, extended

Returns current user's requests.

getLists 🔰

Dummy function, always returns 0 items.

edit, deleteList, editList 🔰

Dummy functions, always return 1.

add 🔰

Fields: user_id

Sends a requests to another user or adds user to friends list.

Returns: 1 (friend request sent) or 2 (request from user approved)

delete 🔰

Fields: user_id

Removes the user from friend list or the request.

Returns 1 if successed, otherwise will throw an error.

areFriends 🔰

Fields: user_ids

Checks the friendship status with other specified users.

    "response": [
            "friend_status": 2,
            "user_id": 2
            "friend_status": 3,
            "user_id": 1
            "friend_status": 1,
            "user_id": 6


get 🔰

Fields: user_id, offset, count

Returns user's gifts

send 🔰

Fields: user_id, gift_id, message, privacy

Sends gift to user.

getCategories 🔰

Fields: extended, page

Returns the gift categories of instance. If extended = 1, returns localized strings.


Non-standard method, please be aware if you'll gonna make your thing compatible with real VK.

getGiftsInCategory 🔰

Fields: id, page

Returns the gifts from category.


Non-standard method, please be aware if you'll gonna make your thing compatible with real VK.


create 🔰

Fields: title, description

Creates new group.

edit 🔰

Fields: group_id, title, description, screen_name, website, wall, topics, adminlist, topicsAboveWall, hideFromGlobalFeed

  • title, description, screen_name and website are strings
  • wall, topics, adminlist, topicsAboveWall, hideFromGlobalFeed are integers

Edits group's settings.

get 🔰

Fields: user_id, fields, offset, count 6

Returns the user's groups list with count.

fields: verified, has_photo, photo_max_orig, photo_max, photo_50, photo_100, photo_200, photo_200_orig, photo_400_orig, members_count

getById 🔰

Fields: groups_id or group_id, fields

Returns the info about group(s).

fields: verified, has_photo, photo_max_orig, photo_max, photo_50, photo_100, photo_200, photo_200_orig, photo_400_orig, members_count, site, description, contacts, can_post, is_member

getMembers 🔰

Fields: group_id, sort, offset, count, fields

Returns group's members.

fields: bdate, can_post, can_see_all_posts, can_see_audio, can_write_private_message,city, common_count, connections, contacts,country, domain, education, has_mobile, last_seen, lists, online, online_mobile,photo_100, photo_200, photo_200_orig,photo_400_orig, photo_50, photo_max, photo_max_orig, relation, relatives, schools, sex, site, status, universities

getSettings 🔰

Fields: group_id

Available only for group admins. Returns group's settings.

isMember 🔰

Fields: group_id, user_id or user_ids, extended

Returns 1 if user is member of the group. If extended = 1, returns some useless fields.


Fields: q, offset, count

Searches for groups.

join 🔰

Fields: group_id

Joins the group. Returns 1 on success.

leave 🔰

Fields: group_id

Leaves the group. Returns 1 on success.

remove 🔰



add 🔰

Fields: type, owner_id, item_id

Likes the object. Returns count of likes.

type: post

delete 🔰

Fields: type, owner_id, item_id

Removes like from the object. Returns count of likes.

type: post

isLiked 🔰

Fields: user_id, type, owner_id, item_id

Checks if user liked the object or not.

type: post


getById 🔰

Fields: message_ids, preview_length, extended

Returns the messages by it's IDs.

send 🔰

Fields: user_id, peer_id, domain, user_ids, message

Sends a message to user. Will return the message's ID, if successed.

Please be aware that this method will trigger setOnline method. To avoid this, simply add forGodSakePleaseDoNotReportAboutMyOnlineActivity as field.

delete 🔰

Fields: message_ids

Deletes the message.

restore 🔰

Fields: message_ids

Restores deleted message.

getConversations 🔰

Fields: offset, count 20, filter, extended

Returns user's chat list.

getConversationsById 🔰

Fields: peer_ids, extended, fields

Returns the user's chats by their peer IDs.

getHistory 🔰

Fields: offset, count 20, user_id, peer_id, start_message_id, rev

Returns chat's history.

getLongPollHistory 🔰

Fields: ts, preview_length, events_limit, msgs_limit

Return's LongPoll history.

Check this if you don't know what is a LongPoll.

getLongPollServer 🔰

Fields: need_pts, lp_version, group_id

Returns the address to LongPoll server.

Check this if you don't know what is a LongPoll.


add 🔰

Fields: title, text, privacy, comment_privacy, privacy_view, privacy_comment

Creates new note.

createComment 🔰

Fields: note_id, owner_id, message, reply_to, attachments

Creates new comment under note.

delete 🔰

Fields: note_id

Deletes note.

deleteComment 🔰

Fields: comment_id, owner_id

Deletes comment under note.

edit 🔰

Fields: note_id, title, text, privacy, comment_privacy, privacy_view, privacy_comment

Edits note.

get 🔰

Fields: user_id, note_ids, offset, count, sort

Returns user's notes. If sort=1, returns notes in reverse order

getById 🔰

Fields: note_id, owner_id, need_wiki

Returns note by id.

getComments 🔰

Fields: note_id, owner_id, sort, offset, count

Returns note's comments

Ovk (aka OpenVK specific methods)


Returns the OpenVK version installed on an instance.


Returns the information about access token.


Returns крылышки string.


Fields: fields, admin_fields, group_fields.

Returns information about the instance, including stats, administrators, most popular groups and links.

fields: statistics, administrators, popular_groups, links

admin_fields are the same as with Users.get function.group_fields are the same as with Groups.getById function.



Fields: owner_id, album_id, photo_ids, extended, photo_sizes, offset, count

Returns a list of photos inside the album.

createAlbum 🔰

Fields: title, group_id, description

Creates new album. If you want to create new group's album, set group_id.

editAlbum 🔰

Fields: album_id, owner_id, title, description

Edits album.

getAlbums 🔰

Fields: owner_id, offset 0, count 100, need_system 1, need_covers 1, photo_sizes 0

Returns user's or group's albums. If need_system = 1, returns system albums. If need_covers = 1, returns albums covers If photo_sizes = 1, returns covers sizes.

getById 🔰

Fields: photos, extended 0, photo_sizes 0

Returns photo(s) object(s).

deleteAlbum 🔰

Fields: album_id, group_id

Deletes album.

edit 🔰

Fields: owner_id, photo_id, caption

Edits photo's description.

delete 🔰

Fields: owner_id, photo_id, photos

Deletes photo(s).

getAllComments 🔰

Not implemented bro

deleteComment 🔰

Fields: comment_id

Deletes comment under photo.

createComment 🔰

Fields: owner_id, photo_id, message, attachments, from_group

Creates comment under photo.

getAll 🔰

Fields: owner_id, extended, offset, count, photo_sizes

Returns every user's photo.

getComments 🔰

Fields: owner_id, photo_id, need_likes, offset, count, extended, fields

Returns comments under photo.

getUploadServer 🔰

Returns the server address for sending photos in a POST request.


After receiving the address of the attachment sending server, you must specify the Content-Type header with the value multi-part/form-data in the POST request itself, as well as the file in the photo data part.

getOwnerPhotoUploadServer 🔰

Fields: owner_id

Returns the server address for sending wall owner photos in a POST request.


After receiving the address of the attachment sending server, you must specify the Content-Type header with the value multi-part/form-data in the POST request itself, as well as the file in the photo data part.

getWallUploadServer 🔰

Fields: group_id

Returns the server address for sending group photos for post in a POST request.


After receiving the address of the attachment sending server, you must specify the Content-Type header with the value multi-part/form-data in the POST request itself, as well as the file in the photo data part.


Fields: photos_list, hash

Saves photos.


Fields: photo, hash

Saves profile photo.


Fields: photo, hash

Saves wall photo.



Fields: poll_id, extended, fields

Returns poll info. Formatting is the same as it would be in Wall's methods.

addVote 🔰

Fields: poll_id, answers_ids

Adds a vote to poll.

deleteVote 🔰

Fields: poll_id

Removes the vote, except if it is not revotable or it is locked.


get 🔰

Fields: user_id

Returns user's status. If user_id not passed, returns your's status.

set 🔰

Fields: text

Changes your status.



Returns the time on the server.



Fields: user_ids, fields, offset, count.

Returns information about user or users.

fields: verified, sex (not the orientation but the gender), has_photo, photo_max_orig, photo_max, photo_50, photo_100, photo_200, photo_200_orig, photo_400_orig, status, screen_name (aka short url), friend_status, last_seen, music, movies, tv, books, city, interests

getFollowers 🔰

Fields: user_id, fields, offset, count 100

Returns the followers of user.


Fields: q, fields, offset, count 100, city, hometown, sex, status (marital status), online, profileStatus, sort, before, politViews, after, interests, fav_music, fav_films, fav_shows, fav_books, fav_quotes

Searches the users by name, surname or bio, and returns the list.

Fields are the same as with get function.


get 🔰

Fields: owner_id, offset, count 30, extended

Returns the posts on the wall. Extended parameter will also return profile info.

getById 🔰

Fields: posts, fields, extended

Returns post(s) by pretty ID (like 1_3 or 32_3).

post 🔰

Fields: owner_id, message, from_group, signed, attachments

Creates new post on wall.

If you want to attach photo or video, pass the attachments parameter as: [type][owner id]_[media id]. For example: photo6_7, video1_1. Remember: you can't attach another's photos or videos.

This also works in createComment.

repost 🔰

Fields: object, message, group_id

Reposts (copies) a post to a user wall by pretty ID (like wall-1246_747 or wall6_436).

If you want to do repost in group, pass group id in group_id

createComment 🔰

Fields: owner_id, post_id, message, from_group, attachments

Adds a comment to a post on a user wall or community wall.

deleteComment 🔰

Fields: comment_id

Deletes a comment on a post on a user wall or community wall.

getComment 🔰

Fields: owner_id, comment_id, extended, fields

Returns the info about comment.

getComments 🔰

Fields: owner_id, post_id, need_likes, offset, count 10, fields, sort, extended

Returns a list of comments on a post on a user wall or community wall.


get 🔰

Fields: fields, start_from or offset, count, extended

Returns posts from newsfeed.

Please be aware that this method will trigger setOnline method. To avoid this, simply add forGodSakePleaseDoNotReportAboutMyOnlineActivity as field.

getGlobal 🔰

Same as get, but this time it outputs global feed.


If something goes wrong, the server will return you an error like this:

    "error_code": 28,
    "error_msg": "Invalid username or password",
            "key": "grant_type",
            "value": "password"
            "key": "password",
            "value": "agreatpassword"
            "key": "username",
            "value": "[email protected]"
            "key": "method",
            "value": "internal.acquireToken"
            "key": "oauth",
            "value": 1

Last update: 2023-11-17